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Work with Helse Nord

Northern Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Nord RHF) is responsible for the public hospitals in Northern Norway.

We offer a wide range of interesting and challenging jobs in Northern Norway.​ 

Employees are our most important resource. We strive to attract the very best professionals, and we will make adjustments so that all employees will feel comfortable in the workplace and perform at their best.
The health enterprise shall ensure that diversity in the population is reflected  to the greatest extent possible in its hiring practices. Therefore, one of our personnel policy objectives is to achieve a balanced mix in terms of gender and age, and to recruit qualified persons with immigrant backgrounds.

Find our job vacancies: Job vacancies


Helse Nord is the Northern Norway Regional Health Authority. We are responsible for the public specialist health care in northern Norway and Svalbard. 
In total Helse Nord employs about 19 000 employees. It is the largest employer in northern Norway. 

Helse Nord is owned by The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services. We have responsibility for 11 somatic hospitals and several specialist polyclinics, psychiatric health care units and hospital pharmacies. 


Our vision is:

The patient should be met with the right competence at the right time and undertake examination and treatment in the region of northern Norway.

You must have good Norwegian skills. Basic English is also preferred. Here is a link to a free program for language training: 


All health personnel must be authorised by the Norwegian Directorat for Health. 

To work in Norway you need a residence permit from The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration.
You have to go to the local tax office to be issued with a standard personal ID number. You will then receive a tax deduction card.
For importation of cars and other things see the website of The Norwegian Customs and Excise.

Your employer registers you with the National Insurance Service. If you are entitled to child benefit (if you have children under the age of 18) you need to apply at your local NAV office.
You must have a police certificate when required, for example for work involving children and mentally disabled persons.
You must submit documentation that you have received necessary vaccinations.
If you do not find what you need here, please visit this website:


The hospitals in Northern Norway

The hospitals in Helse Nord RHF are organised in four trusts.

Finnmark Hospital Trust has two somatic hospitals. They are located in Hammerfest and Kirkenes. Psychiatric health care, substance abuse treatment and ambulance services is decentralized and situated several places around the county of Finnmark.
Finnmark is the northernmost county of Norway and has about 75 000 inhabitants. It is the largest and least populated county of Norway. It borders to Russia and Finland. Vadsø is the administrative centre for the county of Finnmark, although Alta has the largest population. 
The Arctic University of Norway has a campus in Alta. Main sources of income are fishing, minerals, public services, tourism as well as oil and gas. Finnmark is part of the Sapmi region, which spans over four countries. The Sami are the indigenous people of this region.
Hammerfest municipality has around 7000 inhabitants. The town was established in 1789. Kirkenes and the municipality has a population of 3500. Kirkenes is the end port of Hurtigruten and the northern terminus of the European route E6.

The University Hospital of Northern Norway (UNN) has four somatic hospitals. UNN has several psychiatric and addiction treatment centres as well as the regional medical emergency communcations centre.

Troms county is situated above the Arctic circle. Troms borders to both Finland and Sweden. The county has about 160 000 inhabtiants. The largest cities are Tromsø and Harstad. Tromsø is the administrative centre. Large industries are tourism, fishing, research, IT and trade.

Tromsø is the largest city of northern Norway with above 70 000 inhabitants. The largest employers are the hospital and the university.

Harstad has about 25 000 inhabitants.
Narvik has more than 18 000 inhabitants and is part of Nordland county but the hospital is part of UNN. Narvik is important for shipping with an ice free port all year.
Longyearbyen is the administrative centre of Svalbard and has about 2500 inhabitants. The main sources of income here is mining, research and tourism.

Nordland Hospital Trust has three somatic hospitals and covers specialist health care in general medicine, surgery, psychiatry and substance abuse. It also has a regional centre for eating disorders and obesity treatment.
Hospital website
Nordland has the largest population of the three counties of northern Norway with around 240 000 inhabitants. The largest towns are Bodø, Narvik, Mo i Rana and Sortland. Bodø is the administrative centre. Nordlands main sources of income are trade, transport, tourism, fishing and culture.
Bodø is the largest city in Nordland with around 50 000 inhabitants. The hospital in Lofoten is situated at Gravdal near the town of Leknes. The municipality has about 11 000 inhabitants. All of Lofoten has about 24 000 inhabitants. The hospital in Vesterålen is situated in the town of Stokmarknes. The municipality has just above 8 000 inhabitants. All of Vesterålen has about 30 000 inhabitants.

Helgeland Hosptial Trust has three somatic hospitals located in Mosjøen, Sandnessjøen and Mo i Rana. There are also several psychiatric and substance abuse treatment centres.
Hospital website
Helgeland is a region in Nordland county with more than 78 000 inhabitants. It is situated south of the arctic circle. The region is known for its beautiful nature and long coastline with many islands. Fishing, industry, energy and oil and gas are important sources of income. There are four cities. They are Mo i Rana, Sandnessjøen, Mosjøen and Brønnøysund.

Mo i Rana has over 18 000 inhabitants. It is the fourth largest city in northern Norway. Mosjøen has around 10 000 inhabitants and 


Last updated 3/7/2025