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English dictionary

Some useful words and expressions related to Northern Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Nord) translated into English.


Organisation: departments, sections and positions

Trusts and Board in Helse Nord

Helse Nord RHF:
Northern Norway Regional Health Authority

Trust meeting

Styret i Helse Nord RHF:
Board of Northern Norway Regional Health Authority

Hospital Trust

The hospital's names can be written without "trust", ex. Finnmark Hospital.

Finnmarkssykehuset HF:
Finnmark Hospital Trust

Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge HF:
University Hospital of North Norway Trust

Nordlandssykehuset HF:
Nordland Hospital Trust

Helgelandssykehuset HF:
Helgeland Hospital Trust

Sykehusapotek Nord HF:
Hospital Pharmacy of North Norway Trust

Helse Nord IKT
Northern Norway Regional Health Authority ICT Trust 


Other organizational levels

Emergency Medicine Communication Central (EMCC)

Distriktpsykiatrisk senter:
Community Mental Health Center

Lærings- og mestringssenter:
The Coping and Learning Center (CLC)

Other organizations inside Helse Nord

Samisk nasjonalt kompetansesenter - psykisk helsevern, SANKS:

Sami National Center for Mental Health

Senter for klinisk dokumentasjon og evaluering:
Center for Clinical Documentation and Evaluation

Organizations outside Helse Nord

Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet:
The (Royal Norwegian) Ministry of Health and Care Services

The Norwegian Directorate of Health

The Norwegian Board of Health Supervision

Helsetilsynet i fylkene:
Norwegian Board of Health Supervision in the counties

County Medical Officer


Commissioner's Document, or Commissioned Services (bestilte tjenester)


Joint Committee for University Research and Education

Do you miss anything on this list or want to add an expression? E-mail us: webmaster@helse-nord.no

Work with Helse Nord

Northern Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Nord RHF) is responsible for the public hospitals in Northern Norway. We offer a wide range of interesting and challenging jobs in Northern Norway.​
Read more
Last updated 11/1/2022